Christmas Island to Hilo Hawaii
(Crossing The International Date Line)

Monday, November 26, 2018

Arrived at the airport. Spoke to Steve Pellettiere and he said it looked OK. We paid our landing fee, parking fee and spent 3 min with customs and immigration and departed on runway 8.
We have now been flying for 3hrs. As Steve said, we would have light to moderate rain and a few bumps for over 2 hrs.
We just broke out of the clouds and are in beautiful flying WX. His forecast was right on.
Marty has been busy for the last few hrs. talking to San Francisco Air Traffic Control on our HF radio, giving position reports.
We should be at Hilo in about 4hrs.
Please don’t forget
Alzheimer’s Organization

We arrived in Hilo, Hawaii after an uneventful 7 hr. flight from Christmas Island in the South Pacific. We did have a red carpet welcome on our arrival. The customs officer we met was aware that we were on a flight for Alzheimer’s disease. He had looked at our website the evening before and  congratulated us on work for Alzheimer’s. He only asked to see my pilots license and medical, he was not interested in inspecting our bags. It really did feel great to be back in the USA and getting closer to home. We decided to refuel before departing for our hotel. The leg to San Jose California would be our longest leg. Our hotel was about a 10 minute ride from the airport, it had sensational views. I was able to spend a full day circumnavigating the island on Tues Nov. 27. It was nice sampling fresh roasted Kona coffee.
Crismas Island to Hilo Hawii

Welcom at landing

Welcome at landing


New friend at bar
New friend at bar
